Enzyme & Protein Engineering Easily
Expert level AI devs team: data scientists and developers onboard

nikolay russkikh ceo neoncorte ai product studio
Nikolay Russkikh - CEO
10+ years in machine learning research engineering
BioTech industry
Researchgate profile
igor yi chief data scientist neoncorte ai product studio
Igor Yi - Chief Data Scientist
5+ years of in Deep Learning product development
BioTech industry
Researchgate Profile
igor yi chief data scientist neoncorte ai product studio
Mark Pitman - CBDO
25+ years in sales and business development of proteomics data analysis products
BioTech, Pharma, Proteomics, Genomics industries
Researchgate profile

evgeny tarasenko cto neoncorte ai product studio
Evgeny Tarasenko - CTO
20+ years in software engineering
FinTech, BioTech industries
GitHub profile
vladimir shibanov cmo neoncorte ai product studio
Vladimir Shibanov - CMO
20+ years in marketing & PR in venture building industry, BioTech, E-media, E-commerce

Our Expertise in Action

With extensive experience in AI applications and software engineering tailored to the life sciences, we specialize in solving complex challenges and delivering innovative solutions for our customers. Our work demonstrates a deep understanding of cutting-edge technologies and their application in the real world.
Here are examples of the types of projects we have successfully delivered:
  • Automated NGS Data Analysis:
    Designed a production-grade solution for the automated processing, annotation, and analysis of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) data.
  • Single-Cell Data Integration:
    Built state-of-the-art tools for integrating multimodal single-cell data, achieving recognition for technical excellence.
  • Metagenomic Classification Algorithms:
    Developed advanced methods for classifying sequencing reads in metagenomics research.
  • High-Throughput Image Processing Pipelines:
    Engineered an efficient pipeline to process millions of sequencing images with exceptional accuracy.
  • Cell Counting via AI:
    Created a computer vision solution for precise cell counting in microphotography images, streamlining data analysis.
Questions? Ideas? Challenges?
Get in touch with us
Phone: +1-503-754-3958 in US
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